
C&W Sponsors Insurance Industry Annual Charity Tennis Match

Cipriani & Werner is pleased to be participating as a Wimbledon Sponsor of the 2017 Battle of the Insurance Industry Annual Charity Tennis Match to benefit Kids' Chance PA.  The event will be held at Chester Valley Golf Club in Malvern, Pennsylvania on Thursday, August 24th beginning at 7:00 p.m.

The tennis match features John Carvelli, a partner in C&W's Mt. Laurel office, who is representing the legal industry vs. R.J. Connor, who is representing the insurance industry.

Event attendance is $10 per person and includes a Cocktails and Hors d'oeuvres Reception after the match.  Several sponsorship opportunities are available, as well.  Please contact Lloyd Brown at (610) 937-1600 or Lbrown@stumarinv.com for more information.

Kids' Chance of PA is a non-profit organization that provides scholarship grants for college and vocational education to children of Pennsylvania workers who have been killed or seriously injured in a work-related accident resulting in financial need.