Jeffrey T. McGuire, of Cipriani & Werner’s Harrisburg office, recently presented his 12th ethics seminar this calendar year and is scheduled to present 22 ethics seminars by year’s end. This count includes only the seminars approved for credit. These seminars have been, and will be, geared to CPAs, attorneys, and insurance adjusters, but have also been, and can be, tailored for other professionals. These seminars include both in-house and public presentations, and run for one to four hours.
In Pennsylvania, CPAs are required to obtain at least four ethics credits for their January 1, 2014, biannual license renewal. Pennsylvania attorneys must obtain at least one credit hour of ethics each license year. Adjusters or claims handlers who work in and handle only Pennsylvania claims are not required to be licensed and have no requirement for continuing education, including ethics. However, many states require their claims handlers to be licensed and obtain various ethics credits, most typically three credit hours.
The seminar topics are varied, including specific ethical rules, conflicts of interest, and general business ethics. To increase the appeal and make the presentations interesting, Attorney McGuire uses real life examples of ethical issues and licensing and malpractice cases in which he has represented other professionals.
The goal of these seminars is to provide the ethical credits required in an interesting and informative manner so that attendees leave with helpful tips on complying with ethical standards, while avoiding licensing problems, professional malpractice, or bad faith.
Please contact Attorney Jeff McGuire immediately if you have need of an ethics presenter by year’s end at or (717) 975-9600.