Attorney Koschineg Participates in...
Ernest F. Koschineg, a partner in the firm's Philadelphia office, recently...
Ernest F. Koschineg, a partner in the firm's Philadelphia office, recently participated in the HB Litigation Drug & Device Defense Forum at the Hub Cira Centre in Philadelphia. In his presentation titled Cyber Security: Are Medical Devices at Risk?, Mr. Koschineg discussed FDA and DHS security standards and potential theories...
Ernest F. Koschineg, a partner in the firm's Philadelphia office, recently...
Cipriani & Werner, P.C. is pleased to announce that David M. Olive, of...
Joseph F. Frattone, a partner in the firm's Philadelphia office, recently...
Cipriani & Werner, P.C. is pleased to announce that George M. Evan , a...
Ernest F. Koschineg, a partner in the firm's Philadelphia office,...
Cipriani & Werner has launched a Workers’ Compensation Help Line. We...
Cipriani & Werner is pleased to be participating as a Wimbledon Sponsor...
Ernest F. Koschineg, a partner in the firm's Philadelphia office, recently...
Patricia W. Holden, a partner in Cipriani & Werner's New Jersey office,...
Attorneys Andrew Foulkrod and Eric Lauerman obtained a defense jury verdict...
I am pleased to announce that Jeffrey McGuire is running for judge of the...
The Pennsylvania Superior Court granted summary judgment based upon a waiver...
An article authored by Bethann Lloyd and Holly Whalen, partners in C&W's...